John West. Eat Strong. Go Strong!

John West in store sampling

What is the answer to your shoppers’ ‘Lunch time dilemma’?


Brand Central

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4 February 2025

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John West starts the year strong with an impactful radio campaign aiming at putting its tasty convenient and naturally high in protein products on the radar of shoppers constantly looking for new options for lunch.

The shoppers will be able to ‘hear the mastermind style’ creative on their radio channels and on selected podcasts.

John West noted that its message is highly relevant at the beginning of the year when everybody is looking to embrace new healthy habits.

The brand highlighted that its products are a great option as each tin of John West Tuna provides 25g protein per 100g.

This is the equivalent amount of protein to four eggs.

Natural source protein

As a natural source protein, John West products are also a great alternative to cooked ham, as canned Tuna is also considerably lower in salt than a processed meat option (Ham contains approximately three times more salt per 100g than tuna.)

Also, John West is highlighted that it a good source of Natural Omega 3.

The brand started to promote its omega 3 range in January and will continue to do so during the month of February with in store sampling and price promotions on its new Salmon Pot range (available in Sweet Chilli, Lemon and Herb and Brine) and its new Smoked Mackerel range (available in Sunflower Oil and in Brine).

Read more: John West’s new campaign boosts tuna as top lunch choice



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