“Shopper Stock Take” research index offers industry insight

Retailers need to know what makes shoppers tick in 2016
Retailers need to know what makes shoppers tick in 2016

New research aims to tell retailers what makes shoppers tick



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1 February 2016

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Independent UK research agency Shoppercentric has launched its new Shopper Stock Take research index, with a view to shining a light on shoppers’ thoughts and feelings about the grocery retail sector. The company’s aim is for the index to become an annual benchmark, providing comparisons for all future reviews.

Danielle Pinnington, managing director at Shoppercentric said that the new index will “broaden perspectives.

“It’s clear that discounters and digital opportunities are driving changes in the market,” Pinnington said, “but we’re also interested in how shoppers themselves are impacting the market.

“We are witnessing a post-recessionary trend in which many shoppers quell their impulsivity and take an even more considered approach to their spending. Their expectations of grocery retailers include great quality and service, not just low prices. By understanding these shifting dynamics, a smart retailer or brand can start different conversations that stand out from the crowd.”

Some of the initial revelations from the 2016 Shopper Stock Take by Shoppercentric include:

  • 86% of shoppers agree they’re more careful about avoiding waste nowadays, with 68% saying they try to make products go further
  • 73% said they’re prefer to make meals from scratch rather than buying ready meals.
  • 80% of shoppers agree that they buy fresh food as and when they need it so it remains fresh.
  • Planning ahead is a preference orf 71% of shoppers
  • 55% of shoppers believe that their more considered approach to shopping makes them more environmentally friendly.
  • 58% said they prefer the money to spend will benefit local businesses




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