Kellogg’s offers New York to go
Kellogg's striking 'N.Y. To Go' on-pack promotion is offering consumers the chance to win one of four city breaks to New York
13 July 2010
Kellogg’s aims to stop ‘on the move’ consumers in their tracks, with the launch of a new on-pack promotion offering four city breaks to New York, through its Cereal To Go range. N.Y. To Go will run across Corn Flakes, Special K and Crunchy Nut Cereal To Go. Winners will also receive $500 spending money so they can make the most of the famous city, and 50 runners-up will receive cash prizes. Specially designed point of sale packs are available to the trade to drive greater awareness of the promotion, including table talkers, posters and bespoke merchandising units.
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