Regional beers growing

Craft and regional beers continue to add value to the declining beer sector through offering niche and different products to consumers
12 June 2009
According to European trade group Brewers of Europe (BOE) regionally made and craft beers are retaining national and global importance for major beer companies, despite the fact the industry has raised concerns over declining sales.
The organisation says that, in the European market, regional and craft beers offer niche appeal and are helping to buck the trend of falling beer sales in the on and off-trade, albeit on a niche basis.
According to BOE secretary general Rodolphe de Looz-Corswarem: “Customers want these niche products, so it is important for good relations between craft and multinational brewers; there is no interest to kill off small brands.”
De Looz-Corswarem, claimed that the inclusion and support of craft beers and brewers through a multinational’s portfolio allowed larger companies to benefit from more local associations, while smaller groups could boost their products’ profile.
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