Reasons to visit Shop 2011

From 27 - 29 September 2011, Shop 2011 will deliver all the right ingredients at the RDS Simmonscourt, Dublin, to enable visitors to improve their businesses
12 September 2011
A key event in the food and drink, retail and hospitality calendar, Shop 2011 is taking place on 27 – 29 September 2011, at the RDS Simmonscourt, Dublin. Housing all of the right ingredients to help exhibitors and visitors generate new business, Shop will be showcasing the latest innovations and products that the market has to offer.
Exhibitors will be offering show-only discounts, offers and vouchers throughout the three days. Not only do visitors get to meet with suppliers and key contacts at Shop, but there’s also free, content-rich learnShops seminars addressing hot industry trends and issues.
There are industry speakers from a broad spectrum of backgrounds such as Conor Hyde, the managing director of Bullseye Food Marketing, Tom Collins, strategic business analyst at Bord Bia and Tara Buckley from RGDATA.
New to this year’s show is the Knowledge Sharing Village – a rolling programme of 10-15 minute interactive workshop sessions over the duration of the show, covering numerous topics.
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