Organic food achieving 11% year on year growth

Irish Organic Farmers and Growers Association says product in Ireland still growing strongly
16 April 2009
The Irish Organic Farmers and Growers Association (IOFGA) reports that sales of organic food continue to grow strongly in Ireland despite the recession, based on feedback from its members.
The report is backed by recent figures from Bord Bia which, comparing organic food sales for the 12 weeks to end of January 2009 with the same period in 2008, show that sales have increased in value terms by 11%. Non-organic food sales showed only 2.7% year on year growth for the same period.
The Bord Bia survey also established that two thirds of those who purchase organic foods “said that their purchases would stay at the same level or grow this year despite the downturn.”
IOFGA chairman Kate Carmody says that the figures “illustrates the potential which exists for finding new ways of selling produce direct to the consumer, cutting out the middleman” and “points to opportunities for conventional farmers to explore the organic option.”
The Irish Organic Farmers and Growers Association is the largest organic certification organisation in Ireland and represents some 1,000 farmers, growers and processors.
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