Nearly 58,000 more people receiving PUP compared to December

In the under-25 age group, there are 16,200 more PUP claimants than on 22 December



5 January 2021

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With 335,600 people receiving the government’s pandemic unemployment payment (PUP) this week, the number receiving the payment has risen by nearly 58,000 during the past two weeks.

Currently 83,631 people younger than 25 are in receipt of the PUP payment, which is 16,200 more claimants than there was on 22 December.

According to the Department of Social Protection, some 23,000 payments were made between 24 – 30 December to people who became unemployed in the week before Christmas.

The Department also revealed that since the scheme was introduced last March, more than €5 billion has now been paid out in pandemic unemployment payments.

The sector with the highest number of people receiving PUP was accommodation and food services in which 97,798 people were receiving the benefit. This was followed by wholesale and retail trade (46,853) and other sectors such as hairdressing and beauty salons in which 30,221 were receiving the payment.

The Department of Social Protection also stated there were also presently 1,661 people in receipt of the enhanced Covid-19 illness benefit.



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