German supermarket clears shelves in anti-racism stunt

Empty shelves at Edeka stores in Hamburg make a point about diversity. pic: @OpenDev
Empty shelves at Edeka stores in Hamburg make a point about diversity. pic: @OpenDev

As the world continues to plough through something of a crisis about diversity and national identity, a supermarket in Germany has made a dramatic statement about the crucial role that other cultures play in daily life without anyone even realising it.



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25 August 2017

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An Edeka supermarket in Hamburg made a dramatic statement about racism and diversity this week when it cleared its shelves of any and all foreign-made products, replacing them instead with signs decrying xenophobia with statements such as “This shelf is pretty boring without diversity”, “This is how empty a shelf is without foreigners”, and more.

In a statement, Edeka, Germany’s largest supermarket, said the feeback from the initiative had been positive. “Edeka stands for variety and diversity,” a spokeswoman said. “In our stores we sell numerous foods which are produced in the various regions of Germany.

“But only together with products from other countries it is possible to create the unique variety, that our consumers value. We are pleased that our campaign caused so many positive reactions.”

The campaign is expected to roll out to Edeka stores nationwide while Germany prepares for a crucial election in which immigration is expected to be a hotly-debated topic.



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