Cereal-ously good news: Kellogg Funds Breakfast Clubs Across Ireland

Kellogg donations come as demand for food support increases, according to The Children’s Right’s Alliance


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14 September 2021

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Kellogg has partnered with the Community Foundation for Ireland to provide much-needed funding to school breakfast clubs across Ireland.

This year, 27 Irish schools will receive a donation from Kellogg, building on the €350,000 the company has donated to Irish breakfast clubs since 2013. Kellogg’s announcement comes as more and more schools struggle to find the budget to fund this service for their pupils.

Schools provide a social environment where children can access and enjoy food without financial constraints. Breakfast clubs help with everything from attendance and attainment to alleviating hunger. Children come in and have their breakfast, then they have time to play, do homework or take part in activities. A report published by The Children’s Right’s Alliance1 earlier this year shows that those at risk of food poverty in Ireland is rising and there is an increased reliance on charitable support for food costs since the onset of the global pandemic.

“We are so grateful to receive this generous donation,” said Margaret Hughes, principal, Our Lady Immaculate Junior School Darndale.

“Our breakfast club is something our students look forward to daily and with this funding, we can provide them with a better start to their day  that is about more than just the food – our pupils have time before school to play with their friends or take part in activities such as drawing or colouring and this puts them in the right frame of mind for learning.”

Sarah Ferguson, general manager, Kellogg Ireland said the company is proud to be entering into our ninth year supporting schools across Ireland.

“We believe all children should have the opportunity to start the day with a good breakfast, and we know that equipment and resources are just as important to breakfast clubs as the food itself so it’s rewarding to hear how schools are using our funding,” Ferguson said. “We are committed to supporting these services over the long term because of the positive impact they have on pupils.”

“Partnerships like this between Kellogg and schools are playing a huge role in ensuring the health and wellbeing of children as the country moves slowly towards a period of recovery,” added Denise Charlton, chief executive of The Community Foundation for Ireland.

“Providing breakfast is an important way to ensure that all children are getting the nourishment they require,” she said. “Breakfast clubs are for many families a vital lifeline. They set up children for the day ahead and give them the energy to play and learn.

Kellogg has a long heritage of providing food to people and families in need and the company says it is committed to helping end hunger and create Better Days for 3 Billion people worldwide by 2030.



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