Mace launches ‘Right Options’ healthy concept

Bressie helps to introduce Mace ‘Right Options’



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14 April 2016

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Niall Breslin or Bressie as he is affectionately known, was on hand to launch the Mace ‘Right Options’ initiative on St Stephen’s Green on 4 April. Bressie is a well-known advocate of living a balanced lifestyle in order to maintain a healthy body and mind. With this theme in mind, Mace has come up with the ‘Right Options’ concept to classify the best foods in order to improve their customers’ health and well-being.

According to the World Health Organisation, obesity levels in Ireland are among the highest in Europe and growing. However most consumers don’t have the time to read every label to see what is in our foods. Mace ‘Right Options’ helps shoppers to identify foods in all areas of the store that have tangible nutritional or dietary benefits.

Dietitian Aoife Hearne has been working with Mace to choose the products that she believes are the ‘Right Options’. These are highlighted in store by category to make it easier for shoppers to identify the best products for them at a glance, and these products will always be available in-store. Many people will know Hearne as the nutrition expert on RTE, where she advises people on the best foods to eat in order to reach their goals.





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