Time to refuel? Mace Right Options campaign highlights road safety

Latest development of Mace Right Options health and wellbeing campaign sees experts offer road safety advice
15 November 2016
The Mace Right Options Health and Wellbeing Campaign is highlighting how best to stay safe while on the roads by choosing healthy options in-store.
Mace Right Options helps shoppers to identify foods in all areas of the store that have tangible nutritional or dietary benefits.
Mace teamed up with Aoife Hearne, registered dietitian and Karl Henry, fitness expert for the initiative, who have offered some sound advice to motorists on ways to refuel your body and mind while on the road in order to reduce driver fatigue.
Aoife Hearne has been working with Mace over the past year to choose the products that she believes are the Right Options. These are highlighted in store by category to make it easier for shoppers to identify the best products for them at a glance. Many people will know Hearne as the nutrition expert on RTÉ, where she advises people on the best foods to eat in order to reach their goals.
“In order to stay focused when on a long journey it’s important to choose foods that fuel your body in the right way,” Hearne said. “This means eating a wide variety of foods in the right proportions, and consuming the right amount of water combined with an appropriate amount of exercise.”
AT A GLANCE: Aoife Hearne’s tips for a safe journey
- Stay Hydrated All fluids count – up to three cups of caffeinated tea / coffee is fine to have, but make sure the majority of what you drink is water. Keep a water bottle with you in the car to ensure you reach your water target of two litres per day.
- Break – the – fast Breakfast really is the most important meal of the day. Inject your body with the right fuel by having breakfast every day.
- Clock it! Skipping meals is the biggest mistake people can make when trying to stay alert and focused all day long. Aim to eat every three hours spread between three meals and two snacks each day.
- Top up the Tank Carbohydrates are the main fuel source for the brain – choose high fibre, low sugar varieties (e.g. wholewheat products, fruit and vegetables) for long lasting energy throughout the day.
- Feel the Power with Protein Make sure to have protein (eg lean meat, fish, nuts) with all meals and especially snacks for maximum energy and keep your mind focused on the job at hand.
Karl Henry’s tips for staying fit on the road
- Walk it off
- If you are tired on your journey, pull into your local Mace forecourt, park the car and take a five minute walk in the fresh air, it’s a great way to relieve stress and help you to reduce your fatigue by using exercise!
- Exercise is the Key!
- On the days that you are travelling long distances, aim to get exercise in before you drive. It will help set you up with more energy, more endorphins and generally feeling better.
- Work the Core
- When at the wheel, you can work the core muscles too. Simply pull your bellybutton in towards the spine and focus on keeping the core tight. Hold this for 30 seconds at a time, it’s a simple challenge you can set to keep you engaged on your journey.
- Car Essentials
- Remember to stock the car with all your Right Options. I always have large bottles of water, fruit and nuts in mine. You should be aiming to drink at least 500ml of water per hour on long journeys, helping to keep the body hydrated and the mind focused.
- Fresh Air!
- On long journeys I also keep at least one window slightly open to reduce the risk of driver fatigue. It helps to keep you surrounded by fresh air and you will be more alert as a result.
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