HSE seeks retail staff members to fill out an important survey

This short anonymous survey will help the HSE to explore knowledge, perceptions, and experiences of paracetamol pack size sales legislation among general retail staff
20 May 2024
The Health Service Executive (HSE) has reached out to ShelfLife to highlight the fact that it is seeking retail staff members to complete a survey in relation to the paracetamol pack size sales legislation.
Call to action from the HSE
Are you a staff member in a pharmacy or retail setting?
Do you sell paracetamol to the public?
If yes, please consider completing a short survey, currently being conducted by a multi-sectorial Working Group* to Prevent Paracetamol-Related Intentional Drug Overdose.
Your response to this survey is welcome, regardless of whether or not you completed a previous survey last Autumn.
This current survey is building on the data collected last year and your repeat participation is encouraged.
This short, anonymous survey will help the HSE to:
- Explore your knowledge, perceptions, and experiences of paracetamol
pack size sales legislation. - Review the effectiveness of materials detailing paracetamol sales
legislation. - Identify ways to improve adherence to paracetamol sales legislation in
retail and pharmacy sectors. - The survey only takes 5 to 10 minutes to complete. Survey link – https://ucc.qualtrics.com/jfe/
Visit: www.yourmentalhealth.ie for information on how to mind your mental health and support others. Or call the Your Mental Health Information Line on 1800 111 888, anytime for information on services in your area.
For more information on this survey, contact Dr Michelle O’Driscoll, michelle.odriscoll@ucc.ie
Ethical approval for this survey has been granted by the Human Research Ethics Committee in University College Dublin.
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