Healthier white flour

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A new mineral rich flour is being created by scientists in the UK which offers the wholemeal goodness of bran flour in white.


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17 February 2010

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flourX-ray technology could lead to a new mineral rich white flour being created by scientists in the UK.

While minerals and dietary fibre are naturally found in the outer layers of the grain such as bran, white flour which comprises mostly of the grain, is made from starchy endosperm and is almost devoid of minerals.

Scientists from Rothamsted Research, an institute of Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) are therefore trying to detect useable forms of minerals in the endosperm, so that they can use these to breed healthier wheat overall.

They are using high powered x-rays to carry out fluorescence analysis instead of time consuming traditional staining techniques to identify new wheat varieties.

According to lead researcher Andrew Neal, although there is high consumer awareness about the health benefits of wholegrain products, a preference still exists for baked goods using white flour and healthier white flour subsequently has huge potential.



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