Gala Retail is looking for the nation’s inspirational heroes
The Inspiration Awards recognise inspirational people who have gone above and beyond for others in their local community
12 September 2022
Gala Retail has teamed up with Virgin Media Television to launch a search for Ireland’s inspirational heroes to celebrate those who have made a difference to the lives of others with selfless acts and inspirational deeds.
Now in its fourth year, the Inspiration Awards seek to recognise 26 inspirational people – one from every county across Ireland – who have gone above and beyond for others in their local community.
Gary Desmond, CEO of Gala Retail said: “Our stores hear about inspirational stories every day from their shoppers and their communities, and this is our chance to give back and support those unsung heroes.
“If the Covid-19 pandemic has taught us anything it is that our local community is full of people prepared to go above and beyond to help others. We want to shine a light on those people, those who inspire us all with their acts of kindness and efforts to helps others, whether it be in their community, sporting organisation or for charity. By teaming up with Virgin Media, the Inspiration Awards deliver a national platform on which these amazing efforts can be recognised and celebrated.”
Launching 12 September on Virgin Media Television, and running for three weeks, Gala Retail will gift €26,000 of prizes – €1,000 for every county winner – being awarded with hotel getaways across Ireland.
Sharyn Mee, client solution manager at Virgin Media Television added: “We are thrilled to be teaming up with Gala Retail again in 2022 to launch the Inspiration Awards, with their support we are able to acknowledge and reward the incredible people in towns across Ireland who have gone that extra mile for others.
“There will be a range of activity across our channels including features on Ireland AM and the Six O’Clock Show, viewers will be encouraged to nominate those in their community who have made a difference. From volunteers to health care workers, teachers, bus drivers, and more, we all know of local heroes who deserve to have their efforts recognised and we are delighted to partner with Gala to give these heroes the thanks they deserve.”
To nominate yourself or a worthy individual, simply complete the online form available at with entries closing on 2 October 2022.
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