Every cup counts! Get on board for Ireland’s Biggest Coffee Morning for Hospice 2016

Host a coffee morning or share a cup of Bewley’s #coffee4hospice
25 August 2016
Mario Rosenstock is calling on everyone to get on board for Ireland’s Biggest Coffee Morning for Hospice together with Bewley’s on Thursday, 15 September. That’s the day when people across the country will share a cup of Bewley’s coffee to support their local hospice and their vital work caring for people in their local communities nationwide.
Mario and other well-known personalities are backing the Hospice campaign including Davy Fitzgerald, Brendan and Domhnall Gleeson, Imelda May, Gabriel Byrne, Baz and Nancy Ashmawy and Eamonn Coughlan.
It’s easy to take part. Register at www.hospicecoffeemorning.ie to get your free Bewley’s fresh ground coffee pack. You can also contact your local hospice by calling 1890 717 000. Or go along to any nearby coffee morning for your local hospice.
This year is Ireland’s 24th Biggest Coffee Morning for Hospice since the major annual fundraiser first started in 1993 with some €32m raised to date. Bewley’s provides all the coffee free of charge nationwide and all money raised locally goes directly to local hospice care services.
Every year over 29,000 people die across Ireland and over one-fifth of these people are supported by their local hospice either in an IPU setting (in patient unit) or via a Home Care team. Last year, 6,508 people passed away with the support of their local hospice. Local hospice services include specialist palliative care, residential care and end-of-life care. Money raised from Ireland’s Biggest Coffee Morning for Hospice will go towards essential services such as homecare nurses, new equipment and development of new hospice care facilities.
To host a cost morning, register at www.hospicecoffeemorning.ie to receive your free coffee pack of Bewley’s fresh ground coffee. You can also contact your local hospice by calling 1890 717 000.
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