Does your store have the ‘C-Factor’? Entries now open for ShelfLife C-Store Awards 2022!
20 July 2022
Entries are now open for the 2022 Convenience Store Awards. the only comprehensive and independently judged business accolades for the convenience store sector in Ireland.
In association with Cuisine de France and The National Lottery, the prestigious awards ceremony will take place on the evening of Wednesday, 23 November 2022 at the Royal Marine Hotel, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin.
With convenience stores across the country going above and beyond to provide excellent service levels, this is an ideal opportunity to recognise store standards and teamwork.
Stores can enter by logging on to and completing the online entry form. The closing date for entries is 2 September 2022.
The awards are easy to enter, simply indicate the chosen categories – you can enter the main store awards, one or more of the specialist categories alone, or both – the overall winner will be selected by the judges. The ShelfLife C-Store Awards have been designed to compare like with like so that all entrants have an equal chance of winning.
Tickets and information
For tickets and more information about this year’s event, contact Ian Mulvaney at or Mark Morgan at
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