TTIP trade negotiations in trouble following Greenpeace leak
The controversial TTIP trade deal between Europe and the USA has been revealed to be in trouble following a leak of secret negotiation papers
4 May 2016
Some time ago, we reported on the controversial and secretive TTIP negotiations ongoing between the EU and US. The controversial trade deal, which was shrouded in secrecy during the negotiations, seems now to have hit a major snag according to scores of documents leaked by Greenpeace and first reported in The Guardian.
“Irreconcilable differences” exist between the two camps according to the leak, including demands by the US that the EU break promises it has made on environmental protection, and the European ban on animal testing.
“Discussions on cosmetics remain very difficult and the scope of common objectives fairly limited,” reads one internal note that was part of the Greenpeace leak. “The EU and US approaches remain irreconcilable and EU market access problems will therefore remain.”
Jiorgio Riss, director of Greenpeace EU, said the documents offered an “unparalleled look at the scope of the US’s demands to lower or circumvent EU protections for environment and public health as part of TTIP.”
Following the publication of the leak, French president Francois Hollande confirmed that he was opposed to the TTIP deal, which must be ratified by all 28 EU member states before becoming official legislation. Fine Gael and Fíanna Fail MEPs are supportive of TTIP, while Sinn Fein and Independents have come out against it.
Our article from last August outlines how a TTIP deal might impact Irish business and argiculture.
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