ShelfLife helps retailers overcome tough issues

ShelfLife publisher John McDonald formed part of a Government advisory group which has helped tackle the serious issues currently affecting Irish retailers
30 November 2011
ShelfLife magazine has been instrumental in putting together a government advisory report for small businesses to tackle some of the most pertinent problems plauging the sector.
Publisher of ShelfLife, John McDonald, was part of the Advisory for Small Business; a small group chosen by the Minister for State and Small Business, John Perry, to aid him in compiling his report.
Following the presentaion of the report, by Minister Perry to An Taoiseach, Enda Kenny, Perry said: “There are very good, practical and pragmatic ideas which aim to address immediate barriers and to set the scene for growth and job creation. Small firms are regionally spread, they create employment locally, contribute to building a community, and enhance a location’s attractiveness as a place in which to live and do business.”
Some of the main issues dealth with by the group were the illicit tobacco trade within this country, the burden of licences and the level of red tape experienced by small businesses, as well as the issue of commercial rates.
The initial actions to be delivered in response to these issues include:
-To audit and review the multiplicity of licences required by businesses to assess the potential for discontinuing some licences and for amalgamating others
-To tackle the iIllicit tobacco trade by introducing container scanners at ports with large volumes of container traffic.
– To ensure prompt payments, there will be made available an Official Notice regarding the Government’s current 15 day Prompt Payment Practice
– To develop a Voluntary Code of Conduct on payments within the private sector
Commenting on these measures, Minister Perry said: “These are pragmatic ideas which are capable of early implementation to help small companies access the business supports they require, address some of the challenges of the hidden economy, assist their cash flow by promoting prompt payments, and seek ways to reduce administrative burdens.”
ShelfLife publisher John McDonald said: “We all know how difficult the Irish retail environment is at present and this group has endeavorured to tackle some of the issues that are making life difficult for the small business owner, such as the growth in illicit tobacco on the market and the multiplicity of licenses that take up so much of a retailer’s precious time every day.”
An Taoiseach launched the advisory group in June and had asked Minister Perry to publish a report by the end of the year.
An Taoiseach said: “The Government recognises the challenges faced by small business and the contribution this diverse sector can make to economic recovery. This report ‘The Voice of Small Business’ will provide a valuable input into Minister Bruton’s Jobs Strategy by setting out the collective views of small business,”
An Inter-Departmental Liaison Group has also been established to pursue those recommendations of the group which require cross-Government implementation.
Other members of the committee included Jim Barry, The Barry Group, Patrica Callan, Small Firms Association, Tom Hayes, Enterprise Ireland, Declan Hughes, Forfas, and John Trethowan, Credit Review Office.
The full report ‘The Voice of Small Business’ which was published last Wednesday, will feed into the Government’s broader Action Plan for Jobs, to be launched early in the new year.
The full report can be found at this link:
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