Off-Licence of the Year 2011

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The third year of these revamped awards promises to be an exciting competition as raising one’s game becomes much more important in times of survival



16 August 2010

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Judging in the first round of the NOffLA Off-Licence of the Year Awards finished on 13 July. This round comprised a “mystery shopper” experience where each outlet is visited, unannounced, by an unidentified shopper who assessed their experience at each outlet.

The mystery shopper records their experience under four headings: the external signage and overall attraction of the outlet; the internal impression, including eye-catching floor displays and clear promotion and pricing; the appearance, demeanour and knowledge of staff; and that all-important, “x-factor”, prompts you to return.

The third year of the revamped awards takes place in a very challenging Irish retail environment. That said, it still promises to be an exciting competition as raising one’s game is much more important in times of survival.

Round two of the awards scheme runs from Monday, 13 September to Friday, 8 October 2009; and the final will be held in Dublin in on Monday 10 January 2011.



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