NFRN welcomes Brexit for UK’s independent retailers

NFRN chief executive Paul Baxter says EU membership is "bad for business" for UK's independent retailers
28 June 2016
The National Federation of Retail Newsagents (NFRN) in the UK has welcomed the outcome of the Brexit referendum, on the grounds that EU “stifling red tape and ever increasing operating costs” was “bad for business”.
In the immediate aftermath of the results announcement, NFRN chief executive Paul Baxter said: “Just days ago independent retailers sent out a very clear message that membership of the EU was bad for their businesses with stifling red tape and ever increasing operating costs. We are, therefore, pleased that these passionate calls have been heeded by the British public who have voted for a Brexit.
“But after such a monumental outcome, what is needed now is calm reflection and clear planning so the UK can move forward positively,” Baxter added. “We expect the government to include all parties and sectors, including business, in its negotiations and the NFRN looks forward to making sure that the voice of the independent retailer is clearly and loudly heard.”
In two polls carried out by the NFRN ahead of the referendum, nearly two-thirds of UK-based independent retailers said they believed the UK should leave the European Union and would be voting that way on 23 June.
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