Lidl denied planning permission in Drumcondra

Plans for a proposed new Lidl store in Drumcondra in Dublin have hit a snag after the local authority's decision to grant planning permission was overturned by An Bord Pleanála, following an appeal by residents and local businesses.
5 January 2018
An Bord Pleanála has overturned a decision by the local authority to grant planning permission for a new Lidl store in Drumcondra, after a number of local businesses and residents challenged the decision. The planning appeals authority found that the size and location of the new store was inappropriate for the local street, despite also being in compliance with the area’s zoning.
The Irish Examiner reports that the board’s decision also pointed out that the proposed supermarket’s presence would be “visually obtrusive and incongruous” with other buildings in the area, such as the St Patrick’s College campus and the Skylon Hotel. “It would would detract and infringe upon the established building line in the vicinity of the development,” the report said, “and would seriously injure the amenities of the area and of property in the vicinity.”
Those objecting to the project said it is “wholly unsuitable” for Drumcondra, warning that it would have a negative effect on the existing businesses in the area, including other supermarkets and hotels, due to the increased traffic it would bring.
An Bord Pleanála’s decision pointed out that it did not agree with the traffic objection, but denied the planning permission nonetheless.
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