Ennis to undergo makeover with €11.6m Public Realm Project

The first phase is set for completion in April 2024
17 October 2023
Clare County Council has confirmed that the first phase of works to enhance the streetscape of High Street, Bank Place, O’Connell Square, O’Connell Street, Old Barrack Street and Barrack Square in Ennis will commence on 23 October.
A sum of €8,744,275 has been approved for Project B of the Ennis Public Realm Regeneration Strategy, following the delivery of significant public realm enhancements at Parnell Street, and town laneways and bow-ways in 2020 and 2021.
Project B will be delivered in phases to minimise disruption to local business. Pedestrian and service access will be facilitated at all times and affected businesses and residents will be kept informed throughout the construction period. The works are due to be completed in late 2025.
Phase one entails the upgrading of footways and kerbs with high quality surface materials, undergrounding of cables, improved wall-mounted street lighting and replacement of large sections of the Uisce Éireann foul sewer.
The first phase is planned for completion in April 2024 and includes a five-week pause in works from 1 December to early January to promote Christmas and New Year trade.
Cllr Pat Daly, mayor of Ennis, said: “The public response to the proposed works has been extremely positive to date. There is great enthusiasm about what the project will deliver in terms of the significant enhancement of the historic town centre for the benefit of traders, visitors and the local community. I want to commend the staff of Ennis Municipal District, the Project Management office, and the Physical Development Directorate for their work in advancing the project.”
Pat Dowling, chief executive, Clare County Council, said: “These public realm enhancement works will substantially improve accessibility in the town centre. This will be achieved through the provision of widened footways and shared surface treatments, as well as providing up-graded civic spaces and enhanced amenity with high quality paving, seating, tree and shrub planting, street lighting and signage.”
Gary Conlon, head of major projects, Shareridge ltd, said: “Having successfully completed the Public Realm Enhancement works at Parnell Street and the town laneways and bow-ways in 2020 and 2021, we are excited to be involved in this important project for the people of Ennis and look forward to using our expertise to further enhance the public realm of the largest town in Munster.”
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