Dunnes Stores still Ireland’s number one supermarket

Shoppers in Dunnes Stores have been adding more products to their baskets, allowing the company to hold the top spot, according to Kantar Worldpanel's latest analysis



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13 March 2017

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The fiercely competitive supermarket share figures have been published by Kantar Worldpanel, for the 12 weeks ending 26 February, showing that Dunnes Stores remains Ireland’s largest supermarket for the second month. This is the first time Dunnes Stores has managed to hold the top spot for two consecutive months.

Kantar Worldpanel director Dave Berry explains that shoppers in Dunnes Stores have been adding more products to their baskets, allowing the company to hold the top spot. “The grocer’s Shop & Save initiative is continuing to influence customers,” he says, “with the average basket featuring an extra one and a half items – amounting to an additional €25m in sales over the past 12 weeks.”

Sales at Dunnes Stores grew by 4.6% in that period, Berry continues, increasing its share to 22.9% – a year-on-year jump of 0.4%.

Meanwhile, SuperValu is a nose behind Dunnes with a 22.6% share of the grocery market. Spending is up there also, with shoppers spending €1 per trip more, resulting in sales growth of 0.5% or €3m.

Tesco, which had a tricky month due to strikes at a number of stores, saw sales drop by 1%, and its market share reduced to 21.7%.

Bringing up the rear as always are Aldi and Lidl, whose continued success saw sales rise by 5.3% and 4.1% respectively. In the 12 weeks in the current report, Aldi attracted an additional 20,000 customers into its stores, while a lift in sales allowed Lidl to increase its market share to 10.6%.






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