CSNA responds to new minimum pay rate for security workers

From 29 August, a new minimum pay rate of €12.50 per hour is to be introduced for workers in the security industry
9 August 2022
A new minimum pay rate of €12.50 per hour is to be introduced for workers in the security industry. The new pay scale will come into effect 29 August and will be followed by an additional increase to €12.90 per hour from 1 February 2023. The minimum rate of pay has been €11.65 since the middle of 2019.
The increases follow an Employment Regulation Order, which was approved by the Minister of State for Business, Employment and Retail, Damien English.
Responding to the rate rise, the Convenience Stores and Newsagents Association (CSNA) said: “The Security JLC agreed a series of increases to the €11.65 rate back in April 2021, but three security companies sought and were granted an injunction against the Minister from commencing the Order until the High Court had adjudicated upon a number of related objections to the way the Labour Court/JLC had deliberated on the matter.
“In an announcement this week, the Minister indicated that he had accepted a new recommendation from the JLC to increase the rate…”
As part of the proposals, a premium will apply to ‘unsocial hours’ worked. The CSNA said: “A number of CSNA members engage security personnel and should also be aware that a new unsocial hour’s premium of an extra €2.80 per hour (with a minimum of three hours/€8.40) must be paid if at least three hours work is rostered between 9pm and 7am.
The Order also includes new procedures relating to annual leave, rest periods and breaks and minimum shift times.
The CSNA added that “Any security guard called in (or scheduled) to do a shift of less than four hours will attract a minimum of four hours pay, unless that person is engaged in a part-time capacity.”
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