Chris from Biddy Early – this year’s Flair Champion

Chris Hennessy of Biddy Early’s in Kilkenny won the BAI-organised National Flair Cocktail Competition 2010.
13 September 2010
Chris Hennessy of Biddy Early’s in Kilkenny won the BAI-organised National Flair Cocktail Competition 2010, held recently in the Dandelion Bar, St Stephen’s Green, Dublin. Ricardo Watace of Mantra Bar in Maynooth took second place and Ben Birkinshaw of The Church in Dublin’s Mary Street took third.
Top Flair bartenders from all around Ireland took part in the competition which was divided into two sections for beginners and professionals with the winner of the Professional section being awarded the privilege of representing Ireland at the World Flair Competition in Singapore from the 22nd to the 27th November.
The bottle and shaker juggling competition involved bottles being thrown, flipped, spun and landing upright on the competitor’s hand, head, elbow etc.
Apart from entertaining the audience with dazzling displays of balance, speed, juggling and hand-to-eye coordination, competitors were also expected to produce a cocktail worthy of representing Ireland on the world stage.
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