Advertising Standards: 16 ads found to be in breach of code
The Advertising Standards Authority for Ireland has released its latest bulletin, outlining the recent complaints it has investigated.
29 September 2016
The ASAI has published the results of its latest round of complaints, which have found 16 advertisements to be in breach of its code. The breaches were on grounds relating to Misleading Advertising, Substantiation, Decency, Propriety, Promotional Marketing and Health & Beauty.
The ads in question were from a variety of sources including TV and Radio, Print and the Internet.
Four of the upheld advertisements complained about related to complaints from withing their respective industries, while the ASAI complaints committee also chose not to uphold four consumer complaints and one industry complaint.
In a statement, Orla Twomey, chief executive of the ASAI said the results illustrate the broad remit of the ASAI in dealing with complaints from a variety of sources.
“The updated ASAI Code of Standards for Advertising and Marketing Communications in Ireland came into effect earlier this year, ensuring that the Code will remain credible and relevant,” she said. “In updating the code, the ASAI have been able to address emerging advertising trends such as the growth of social media and its various platforms.
“Furthermore,” Twomey added, “the ASAI has extended its monitoring service to be inclusive of the blogging community and is directly engaging with bloggers in relation to the disclosure of content, ensuring all marketing communications are easily recognisable.”
To see the full list of complaints and their outcomes, visit the ASAI’s website.
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