A quarter of claims are in shops

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Bríd O’Connell, CEO, Guaranteed Irish and Sinead Mitchell, head of marketing and PR, Guaranteed Irish (Picture by Shane O'Neill, Coalesce)

Some 25% of personal injury claims arise from incidents in retail outlet, a report by InjuriesBoard.ie revealed



7 July 2009

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Almost a quarter of all injuries recorded by InjuriesBoard.ie occurred in shops or other retail outlets, according to a recent report. InjuriesBoard.ie, the statutory body that adjudicates on personal injury claims, also found that the vast majority (67%) of all injuries that happened in public places were caused by slips, trips or falls.

Patricia Byron, chief executive, InjuriesBoard.ie, said: "During these tough economic times, some companies and organisations who admit the public to their facilities may be tempted to cut their investment in health and safety. That kind of approach can backfire, particularly, if you operate in a very competitive and accident-prone sphere such as retail.” She added that accident prevention “can save money in the long run.”

A 75-year-old pensioner previously received €66,000 in damages after slipping and falling on grapes in a grocery store, according to one case recorded by the board. The lady involved was hospitalised for four days and received injuries of a fractured pelvis, fractured wrist and several facial lacerations. InjuriesBoard.ie assessed her claim within nine months.

In another case, a 54-year-old man suffered a deep cut to his hand as a result of broken glass placed on a shelf in a store. The study showed that the man’s injuries completely healed, with no scarring. He was nevertheless awarded €3,800 after InjuriesBoard.ie assessed his claim.

The geographic spread of claimants across the country showed the highest percentage of awards went to Dublin (37%), followed by Munster at 31%, the rest of Leinster at 22% and Connaught/Ulster at 10%. The Health and Safety Authority (HSA) has also stated that 3,500 cases of slips, trips and falls are reported each year within retail, and provides advice on avoiding accidents at www.hsa.ie.



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