Twenty quick questions…with Ray Owens

Ray Owens, Chia Bia
Ray Owens of Chia Bia based in Tramore, Co Waterford, tackles ShelfLife's quick-fire questions
17 April 2012

Ray Owens, Chia Bia
1 Do you breakfast or ‘deskfast’ in the mornings?
I believe in the importance of breakfast and for me, the day starts with a smoothie mixed with berries and milled Chia Bia. Sets me up for the day!
2 How do you get to work?
I wish I could say I cycle but as my normal day involves so many meetings outside the office – I drive.
3 Favourite time of the day?
3pm is when I tackle the afternoon slump with a cuppa and a cranberry and coconut Chia Bia nutrient bar.
4 Best ad on telly?
The Oreo ad with the little girl and the dad is a big hit in our house!
5 Worst ad on telly?
The Coco Pops ad really aggravates me, encouraging kids to load up on sugar first thing in the morning…go figure!
6 Best new product?
Our best new product is milled Chia Bia with Cranberry, and milled Chia Bia with Blueberry.
7 How do you get your news; print or web?
It’s newspaper for me especially on Sundays.
8 Favourite grocery shop?
Dunnes Stores and SuperValu, as Irish retailers, they are very supportive to Irish businesses which in these times is so important.
9 International product you would like to see available in Ireland?
It was Stevia but it has arrived!
10 Facebook or Twitter?
Although I see the value of both Facebook and Twitter, I prefer to talk to people face-to-face.
11 Favourite website?
Obviously the Chia Bia website, that goes without saying but I will browse any car website!
12 Favourite politician?
Barack Obama
13 Most annoying public figure?
My list is endless but at the top of it are Sean Fitzpatrick and Michael Finglelton.
14 Biggest fear?
That ill health would hit my family or loved ones and that I wouldn’t be in a position to help.
15 Greatest achievement to date?
I am very proud of the fact that we brought Chia Bia to Ireland and Europe.
16 Favourite quote?
"Change is the law of life and those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future." John F Kennedy
17 Cash or card?
18 Pop or rock ?
Pop! What can I say I was an eighties teen! One of my favourite bands was Simple Minds.
19 What’s the best thing about living in Ireland?
I love the Irish sense of humour and the fact that we are the only ones who really get it! And bizarrely, I love our weather.
20 What’s the last compliment you received?
A relative recently commented on the fact that I must have got my business sense from my uncles who were big cattle dealers in the fifties and very shrewd business men.
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