Traders claim new cyclepath in Ballsbridge would ‘destroy village’

Group says proposals would cause “total havoc with deliveries” and present major health and safety issues



17 August 2021

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A local traders’ group in Ballsbridge, Dublin, has warned that the installation of a cyclepath – which would involve relocating six parking spaces on Merrion Road – would “destroy” the village and prove “devastating” for businesses.

Within the bus corridor from UCD to the city centre with BusConnects. the  National Transport Authority (NTA) is planning to introduce a segregated cyclepath.

Traders operating between 2-18 Merrion Road have claimed the move would be “ageist”.

However, NTA deputy chief executive Hugh Creegan argued that the plan would not destroy Ballsbridge and would result in the net loss of just one parking space.

The Ballsbridge traders wrote to local councillors Dermot Lacey (Labour) and James Geoghegan and Paddy McCartan (both Fine Gael) voicing their concerns.

The councillors subsequently tabled an emergency motion undertaking to write to the NTA about the issue. The motion was agreed by South East Area councillors without debate.

The Irish Times reports that the traders object to the removal of six of nine parking/loading spaces, including a disabled parking space, and the placement of a cyclepath between the remaining spaces and footpath.

The group said the proposals would cause “total havoc with deliveries” and present major health and safety issues for suppliers and businesses. It added that the plan would also “seriously reduce and obstruct the area required for emergency and fire safety control”.

In response, Hugh Creegan denied that the plan would harm the village. He said the disabled parking space was being retained but relocated and while five general parking spaces were being removed, “four additional parking spaces are being provided on Ballsbridge Park, just around the corner from the existing locations”.



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