The cost of not being a NOffLA member

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Agnese Filippi and Keith Nelson

The National Off-Licence Association offers many benefits to its members



20 March 2009

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Have you ever considered the cost of NOffLA? No, not the annual subscription, but the costs saved by the activities of the officers and staff of the association? Some of the recent ongoing activities of the association include:

• Making the annual pre-Budget submission as part of the Drinks Industry Group
• Continued support of the Responsible Trading in the Community scheme
• Re-iterating standards of excellence through the National Off-Licence Awards
• Promoting supplier partnership initiatives with the Irish Wine Show and Gold Star Awards
• Working with suppliers in relation to margins, prices, promotions and direct sales
• Continuing to organise group pension, health and trading insurance for members

What would be the added expense within your business without such activities? Certainly far more than the annual subscription. If membership of NOffLA was only regarded as a cost cutting enterprise, it would make economic sense of itself.

However, NOffLA is much more than that; representing your views in the ongoing development of the drinks industry in Ireland, influencing government decisions, and encouraging and facilitating higher standards across the trade.

NOffLA members should note that annual subscriptions are due on, or before, 1 April. Those members who wish to pay by direct debit, and are not already doing so, should contact the NOffLA office to make arrangements.



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