Tesco gives milk suppliers the all-clear

Tesco has confirmed that it has no plans to change its milk supply chain following increased warning regarding the risk to consumers of a cattle disease called Johne's
16 March 2017
Despite new research into Johne’s Disease – the animal equivalent of Crohne’s disease – suggesting that it poses a risk to humans, Tesco has confirmed that it has no plans to clamp down on Irish dairy farmers whose herds have tested positive for the condition.
The Irish Independent reports that the retailer has de-listed British milk suppliers who have failed to implement protocols to minimise the risk of the disease spreading, but has not taken the same move in Ireland. Animal Health Ireland cites an FSAI report from 2009 which found no evidence of a “casual relationship between Johne’s and Crohn’s”.
In a statement, Tesco said that Ireland’s and Britain’s dairy industries were not comparable with one another.
“There is no Tesco Sustainable Dairy Group in Ireland,” the company told Farming Independent, “and we have no plans to introduce the model. We are always open to discussing the principles of it with our suppliers, however.”
Tesco sources its milk from three well-known dairy companies: Glanbia, Aurivo and Arrabawn. A spokesperson for Glanbia said that the health of its dairy herds is a “key aspect of our overall milk supplier programme and purchasing policy.
“The Glanbia veterinary staff and on-farm support teams assist farmers in following the highest national and international standard,” he added.
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