Revenue’s annual report shows large seizures in 2016

The Revenue has published its annual report for 2016, showing huge hauls of illegal cigarettes, fuel and other illegally imported goods.
28 April 2017
The Revenue has published its annual report for 2016, showing huge hauls of illegal cigarettes, fuel and other illegally imported goods.
During the year, almost 45m cigarettes were confiscated, along with almost 400,000 litres of fuel. Illegal drugs with an estimated value of €30m were taken during almost 6,000 raids, while more than 70,000 counterfeit items such as watches, jewelry and clothing were discovered.
Employment of the Revenue’s confidential phone number to report illegal activities resulted in the discovery of 50,000 cigarettes, 12kg of tobacco and more illicit items including alcohol.
The annual report cited one of the organisation’s biggest successes of the year as the seizure of 26,000 litres of fuel as part of a cross-border operation at Belfast and Dublin Ports.
The report acknowledges that seizure of illegal cigarettes was down from the 2015 report. Revenue Chairman Niall Cody said that such activities pose a significant threat to the Exchequer and to compliant businesses. “The downward trend is encouraging,” Cody said, “but we are not complacent. Tackling the illegal trade will continue to be a high priority for Revenue.”
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