New Zealand wine webinar series to kick off tomorrow
28 April 2020
The first session of The New Zealand Wine Diaries, a conversational series involving international wine masters, will take place tomorrow (29/04/20).
Kicking off from 8-9pm with a session titled ‘Sauvignon Blanc, Get Past the Gooseberry,
Let’s Talk About the Wine,’ participants will be invited to take part in a discussion of the grape’s market position, evolution and future. Lead master, Ronan Sayburn MS and resident NZ master Jane Skilton MW will run the session.
The premier webinar will be held ahead of international Sauvignon Blanc day, which takes place on 1 May. To celebrate, New Zealand Winegrowers have put out a call for fans of the variety to join them in a virtual celebration of the wine.
According to a statement from the New Zealand Winegrowers: “The aim is to get everyone raising a glass to toast New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc, no matter where they are in the world… Tag us on the day using #NZWine and #SauvBlancDay.”
Upcoming New Zealand Diaries sessions include:
27 May: Chardonnay & Pinot Noir at the OTHER 45th Parallel
24 June: NZ Wine in a Post-COVID World
23 September: Organic Wine – Not just for Hipsters Anymore
Interested parties can register at: https:
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