New report names Tesco Ireland retailer of choice for suppliers

Research was based on feeedback of 680 respondents from more than 400 suppliers
25 July 2023
Tesco Ireland has been named the retailer of choice with Irish suppliers, according to a new ‘Voice of the Supplier Report’ from Advantage Group UK and Ireland.
In the report which focused exclusively on the Irish market, Irish suppliers scored Tesco as their best-in-class partner for engagement and collaboration.
In total, 680 respondents from over 400 suppliers gave feedback on their interactions with the leading retailers and wholesalers in Ireland for the report which was conducted between November 2022 and January 2023.
Tesco Ireland was measured against fifteen other retail and wholesale competitors and were rated against 33 competencies across Advantage Report’s four engagement drivers, Partnership, Execution, Reputation and Vision.
Suppliers recognised Tesco as being particularly strong in the areas of innovation, collaboration, category management, communications particularly in relation to ESG objectives and integration of e-commerce strategy.
“We are very pleased to be recognised by our suppliers through this independent survey from Advantage,” said Tesco Ireland commercial director, Joe Manning.
“We work very hard to ensure that we collaborate and engage with our supplier partners in a meaningful way, and we strive for excellence in all our interactions,” Manning said. “Our 1,000 plus network of suppliers are hugely important to our business, and it is heartening to know that they rate us so highly under these key competencies.”
“Our 2022 Voice of the Supplier programme saw a record-breaking number of suppliers take the chance to provide their customers with feedback on their interaction,” said Advantage Ireland country manager, Andrew Johnston.
“Congratulations to Tesco Ireland for being scored as the suppliers’ partner of choice amidst a really challenging retail environment,” Johnston added. “The breadth of their capability across multiple competencies and business areas sees them achieve the coveted number one position.”
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