National Lottery operator reports €7.4m profit

The company which operates the National Lottery made an operating profit of €7.4m against a background of declining sales in 2015, the company has reported.
25 August 2016
The company that runs the National Lottery has reported a profit of €7.4m for its first full year running the organisation. Premier Lotteries Ireland (PLI) ltd., which paid €405m for the operating licence in 2014, said its sales fell by 2.5% to €670.4m, but due to various expenses and taxations, the company came out with a profit of €7.4m.
According to PLI, more than 1.4m people played National Lottery games in 2015, approximately 42% of the adults population. €381m in prize money was paid out, while €188m was paid to ‘good causes’.
The company’s report also revealed that while sales were down, online play saw an explosion in popularity, jumping from 140,000 to more than 225,000.
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