Minister launches campaign to improve understanding of food labels

Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Brendan Smith, TD, Tesco nutritionist, Paula Mee and Dr Louise Sullivan, Food and Drinks Industry Ireland
Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Brendan Smith, TD, Tesco nutritionist, Paula Mee and Dr Louise Sullivan, Food and Drinks Industry Ireland

Major information campaign on GDA labels held in top 25 Tesco stores across the country


Brand Central

10 November 2008

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Brendan Smith TD, Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, has launched an industry-funded, nationwide information campaign aimed at helping consumers to understand more about the new Guideline Daily Amount (GDA) food labelling system. The labels attained significant critical mass in the Irish market in 2008, with more than half of all branded packaged food and drink products and almost all participating supermarket own-label branded products now displaying the system at front of pack.

A major information campaign took place in the top 25 Tesco stores across the country over a single weekend last month. This in-store event is aimed at boosting consumer awareness was launched by the Minister in Tesco, Merrion Centre, Dublin.
Speaking at the launch Mr Smith said: “In my view the increased use of GDAs will provide invaluable information to consumers in relation to the key nutrients that the average person needs in order to have a balanced diet. Small steps can lead to big changes in lifestyles. GDAs make it easier for people to select and enjoy a mix of foods suited to their individual needs.”
Also at the event, Patricia Harte, corporate responsibility manager, Tesco Ireland, commented: “At Tesco we are proud supporters of the GDA labelling system, so much so it’s now available on over 5000 of our own Tesco products.”



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