Ibec: Edel Creely named new president

Ibec has named Edel Creely, group managing director of Trilogy Technologies as its new president, who has stated the organisation's intentions in the coming years with regard to tax, investment and Brexit, among other pressing issues.
22 September 2017
Edel Creely, founder and managing director of Trinity Technologies, has been named as Ibec’s new president. At the organisation’s annual president’s dinner last night, Creely said that the complicated and uncertain Brexit process has left Irish business “in the dark” as to where it’s all going.
In a sentiment echoing Ibec’s almost-daily statements in recent months, Creely said that the Irish government “must make the case forcefully in Europe to allow for significant, direct intervention to help companies trade through any volatility, and to adjust to a new trading reality.
“We need an increased focus on cost-competitiveness and on our tax offering,” Creely said at the dinner in Dublin’s RDS, “as well as additional investment to ensure Ireland remains an attractive place to live, work and invest.”
On the topic of Budget 2018, Creely said that Ireland needs a tax and business environment that rewards success, encourages entrepreneurship and innovation, supports established companies in reaching their full potential, and fosters continues investment by multinationals. “Next month’s budget should ensure our capital gains rax regime for entrepreneurs is better than the UK’s,” she said, “and our personal tax rates are competitive internationally.
“It is vital that business can attract and retain ‘mobile talent,'” she said.
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