Cork laboratory receives INAB accreditation for gluten-free testing

Enva Ireland’s in Cork has been given the nod to undertake independent gluten free testing, a positive development for the ongoing understanding of Coeliac Disease.
12 May 2017
Enva Ireland’s laboratory in Cork has been accredited by the Irish National Accreditation Board (INAB) to undertake independent gluten-free testing. INAB is the national body with responsibility for the accreditation of laboratories, certification bodies and inspection bodies.
The managing director of Enva Ireland, Simon Dick said that the work will progress using recently acquired state of the art technology which tests using the ELISA technique. “Our laboratory service offering to the food sector now includes allergen testing as well as a wide range of microbiological tests for food manufacturers, distributors, caterers, restaurants and retailers,” he said.
Enva’s ELISA-based testing systems, in conjunction with the kits of industry leader R-Biopharm, enable its Cork laboratory to offer a range of quantitative testing for the presence of Gluten, Casein, β-lactoglobulin and Egg in food products. These techniques are based upon antigen-antibody interaction to specific allergenic proteins and allow direct detection of the allergen.
Enva works with clients to deliver innovative and proactive solutions for their specific testing requirements, with sample collection and rapid turnaround times for analyses as required.
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