Challenged brewing Industry sees constant growth in China

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Some international beer brands are currently demonstrating excellent growth in an otherwise financially-challenged brewing industry. But whilst some discount and premium beer brands have done well, the traditional middle market has struggled, according to Canadean.



25 September 2013

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The market researcher reports that the top 13 fastest-growing brands worldwide over the last three years are all to be found in the developing beer markets of China, Mexico, Brazil and South Africa.

“Many emerging markets have been favourable for growth as the middle class swells and beer becomes an affordable option,” states Canadean.  

China in particular has seen constant development according to Canadean’s China Beer Market Insights 2013, the latest in a series of its Beer Market Insight reports covering more than 60 markets which gives a detailed picture of each and the drivers behind the performance of national and international brands.

Canadean reports that China, in particular, has seen constant development. The top four fastest-growing brands are all Chinese, according to the report and all of their growth stems from their domestic market. Only Tsingtao is available internationally, but over 99% of the brand’s volume is still sold inside China despite Canadean recording measurable volume growth for this brand in 15 other markets.

Beer brands exhibiting the best growth have some factors in common – all have success in their domestic market, a solid brand image, appropriate price-point and effective distribution.

Canadean explains that the performance of international brands has varied widely in recent years due to market specific conditions.



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