Broken Jack at the Long Island

Jack Daniels Green Label – the original.
Jack Daniels Green Label – the original.

Closing Time commiserations to Alan Kavannagh from Edward Dillon & Company who broke a much-prized bottle of Jack Daniels Green Label on his way into a bourbon-tasting night at The Long Island recently.



11 December 2012

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Alan tells me he meant no disrespect…..
Jack Daniel’s Green Label was first introduced following the end of Prohibition in the US in the 1930s.

Incidentally, can it be true that Jack Daniels was the first company ever to pay a celeb not to endorse their product in a show? Rumour has it that Courtney Cox – ‘Monica’ in Friends – is believed to have been paid around $2.1 million not to badge Jack Daniels on the worldwide hit comedy series… Alas Rick Bubenhofer of Jack Daniels in the US quashed it on the head. “It’s an urban myth,” he confirmed.

Jack Daniels Green Label – the original.

Jack Daniels Green Label – the original.



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