80% of tourists satisfied or very satisfied with pub food

Some 80 per cent of tourists have expressed themselves ‘satisfied’ or ‘very satisfied’ with Ireland’s pub food quality in Fáilte Ireland’s latest Visitor Attitudes Survey 2011, published recently.
1 September 2011
Those expressing themselves ‘very satisfied’ with the quality of bar food remained level with the 2009 results at 28 per cent while those ‘satisfied’ rose from 50 per cent to 52 per cent in 2010.
Those ‘very satisfied’ with the customer service in pubs/bar food also remained on a par with 2009 at 35 per cent. Those ‘satisfied’ rose from 48 per cent to 50 per cent and those ‘dissatisfied’ remained at two per cent.
There was growth in the proportion of those ‘very satisfied’ with pub food prices from 15 per cent in 2009 to 20 per cent in 2010 while those pronouncing themselves ‘satisfied’ grew from 37 per cent to 40 per cent. Those ‘very dissatisfied’ declined from five per cent to two per cent.
The news was good on alcoholic drinks prices in pubs too.
Those ‘very satisfied’ with this grew from five to 12 per cent, those ‘satisfied’ grew from 23 per cent to 31 per cent while those ‘dissatisfied’ shrunk from 15 per cent to nine per cent.
The cost of drink is the most frequently mentioned disadvantage by seven per cent of German tourists and six per cent from Britain. Overall however the cost of drink was mentioned by only two per cent of tourists, down from three per cent in 2009.
Those ‘dissatisfied’ with it fell to three per cent in 2010 from four per cent in 2009.
About half of those responding to the suggestion that Ireland has ‘good evening entertainment and nightlife’ agreed ‘a lot’ with the statement.
85 per cent of North Americans agreed ‘a little’ or ‘a lot’ with this while 76 per cent from Mainland Europe pronounced themselves in this category and 79 per cent from the Rest of the World.
‘Drink’ and ‘pubs’ are the most frequently mentioned advantages of the country by seven per cent of tourists overall, by 10 per cent of German tourists, nine per cent of French tourists and for Mainland Europe as a whole, the figure is eight per cent.
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