Winners announced at Fourth Corona Fastnet Short Film Festival
13 June 2012
The award ceremony of the fourth Corona Fastnet Short Film Festival was held in the village hall in Schull. Over 200 people were there to see director Ruan Magan win the “Best of Festival” and "Best Drama" awards for his film Angel. Ruan was presented with a cheque for €2,000 and a Pat Connor sculpture by title sponsor Michael Barry of Barry & Fitzwilliam. Best Irish Short Film Downpour, directed by Claire Dix was presented with a cheque for €2,000 by Greg Dyke and Best Young Filmmaker, Caleb Slain, from America, who directed The Lost and Found Shop also won €2,000. Winners of the Best in Cork award for The Hatch, directors Enda Loughman and Mike Ahern, were presented with a cheque for €500 by the Cork Screen Commissioner Niall Mahony.
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