What about…Kevin MacDevitt, Lites Group?

Kevin MacDevitt of The Lites Group gives an insight into his likes, loathes and passions
13 October 2010
What’s your job title?
Client service director
Your favourite grocery shop?
Supervalu Deansgrange, very helpful staff, very convenient and great range
How long is your typical working day?
It depends if the schools are off but normally 8.30 am – 6.30 pm
How do you describe yourself?
Reliable, hard working and responsible with a somewhat dry sense of humour
What’s your favourite Irish product?
Superquinn sausages with Ballymaloe Country Relish
What’s your favourite brand, outside of the brands you represent, and why?
Innocent Smoothies – the concept is great, and the bravery of the three guys and how they have grown from nothing is to be respected. Now with shareholders to satisfy it will be interesting to see if the brand can retain its identity and uniqueness.
What piece of legislation would you introduce/change?
Mandatory minimum sentences for corrupt/reckless politicians and bank officials
What historical figure would you invite to dinner?
Michael Collins, the gent who had to stay and mind the space ship whilst Neil and Buzz got all the headlines
The best gift you ever received?
The support of great parents
What possession could you not live without?
Probably my phone
What was your first job?
A team member on the Guinness Black Magic promotional team during, I think, one of the hottest summers on record.
What was your childhood dream/ambition?
To be an actor
What’s your ambition now?
To be proud to stand over whatever I do
What’s the worst ad ever?
Thankfully I can’t recollect the worst one ever as that would mean that it was effective. The most annoying for me at present is the Wardrobe Elegance jingle on Newstalk.
What’s your favourite ad at the moment?
Sky + has meant that my watching of TV ads has reduced greatly. On the radio the VFI ads with Dara O’Briain, on the TV and net Dr. Pepper – very funny.
Your favourite newspaper?
The Irish Times
Who is inspirational in Irish business?
Mr. Michael Controversial O’Leary
In your opinion what’s the next big thing?
Entrepreneurship caused by necessity
What (if anything) was the last thing you bought on the internet?
Two books: Golf Is Not A Game Of Perfect, Bob Rotella and Personal Styles and Effective Performance, Merrill and Ried
What’s your pet hate?
Drivers who do not use indicators on roundabouts
What makes you laugh?
Old episodes of Friends
Three essential grocery items you’d take with you for a week on a desert island?
Fresh Brennans white bread, Tayto crisps, Kerrygold butter
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