What about…David O’Keeffe, Barry Group?

David O'Keefe, Barry Group
David O'Keefe, Barry Group

A passionate people person who's a little bit rock n roll; David's first pocket money job saw him work part time in Quinnsworth, and he's been bitten by the retailing bug ever since.



18 March 2010

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What’s your job title?
Carry Out national sales manager

Your favourite off-licence?
Carry Out

How do you describe yourself?
Passionate, dedicated, creative, target driven, people person

What’s your favourite drink?
Yali National Reserve Sauvignon Blanc

What’s your favourite drink brand, outside of any brands you may represent, and why?
Carlsberg because they sponsor my favorite football club

Should drink ads be limited/banned, why/why not?
I don’t think drinks ads should be banned. There is a code in place and by adhering to this code I believe drinks companies can advertise in a responsible manner.

What piece of legislation would you introduce/change?
Consumers should be able to purchase a bottle of wine up to 11pm to enjoy with friends in the comfort of their own homes. I could never understand what the Government where trying to achieve with the introduction of 10 o’clock closing. It should be reversed it makes no sence that you can buy a glass of wine in a bar or nightclub after 10pm – but if you finish work after 10pm you can’t purchase a bottle of wine or beer to enjoy in the comfort of your own home.

The best gift you ever received?
My two kids

What possession could you not live without?
My mobile phone

What was your first job?
I worked for Quinnsworth part time for pocket money, this is where I developed my love of retail.

What’s the worst ad ever?
Shaw’s claim to be almost nationwide (what does that mean?)

What’s your favourite drink ad at the moment?
Guinness it’s alive inside

Country & Western or Rock ‘n Roll?
Rock ‘n roll

Who is inspirational in the Irish trade?
Independent retailers who provide local consumers with exceptional service and value 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

What (if anything) was the last thing you bought on the Internet?
Family holiday

What’s your favourite food?
Seafood tagliatelle

Wine or beer?

What makes you laugh?
Good friends

Favourite insult?
I don’t like insults. They are unproductive and unnecessary

Who (out of anyone in the whole world alive or dead) would you most like to have drinks with?
Muhammad Ali.



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