Walkers Life PR Awards win

Walkers and PR agency Life Communications scoop a gold award for 'Best Use of Sponsorship' at the annual PR Awards for Excellence.
12 August 2009
Ireland’s number one sharing crisp brand, Walkers, and PR agency Life Communications took gold at this year’s PR Awards for Excellence, for ‘Best Use of Sponsorship’ for the Walkers Sensations TV Now Awards. The sponsorship was recognised for delivering strong commercial results and the creation of a powerful brand overlay.
Commenting Walkers’ marketing manager, Nicola Wells, said: “Walkers has always recognised the value of good PR in the marketing mix and the results for our sponsorship of the Walkers’ Sensations TV Now Awards proves that the right sponsorship, excellently developed and executed, is a very valuable part of a brand’s marketing.”
Life Communications’ managing director, Darlene McCormick, added: “Good sponsorships are like hitting the marketing bulls-eye. What makes a successful brand sponsorship is the strategic overlay. It reveals, in an engaging way to the consumer, what the brand stands for and why it is for them. If it can be done seamlessly, in harmony with the event, it will enhance the overall sponsorship and have a bigger effect for the brand by being credible and impactful.”
This is the fourth sponsorship award for excellence in PR in four years for PR agency, Life Communications.
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