Unregistered milk purchasers threaten Irish dairy industry

In a joint move both sides of the border the Irish Farmers Association and the Ulster Farmers Union have warned producers about cross-border selling of milk to unregistered purchasers.



18 November 2013

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The Irish Farmers Association (IFA) and the Ulster Farmers Union (UFA) have raised concerns with their members on both sides of the border about the growing number of dairy producers selling excess milk quotas to unregistered purchasers.

It has been reported that large volumes of milk are being sold by producers in the Republic to outlets in Northern Ireland.

In a statement IFA National Dairy Committee chairman Kevin Kiersey has strongly advised dairy farmers about against selling milk to unregistered purchasers. He said: "I am aware there have been adverts put into the press in recent days by opportunistic operators offering to purchase over quota milk at knock down prices."

He added: "I want to urge dairy farmers under superlevy pressure to resist the temptation to deal with those operators, as they are not registered milk purchasers, and they are exposing farmers who sell milk to them to potentially very serious consequences."

The UFA has also come out against the action of some producers and warned outers that similar actions not only pose a risk to their own farm enterprise but the dairy producing industry on a whole.

Dr Mike Johnston, Northern Ireland director of dairy UK said, "This is an extremely serious matter for the Northern Irish dairy industry as a whole." He continued: "Facilitating the smuggling of milk into Northern Ireland jeopardises our dairy product exports, as well as the trust that consumers have in the integrity of our products. Such is the seriousness of this that I would encourage all dairy farmers to be vigilant in their area, and report anything suspicious to the appropriate authority."

Johnston also alerted members that anyone taking part in the activity that there actions may result in milk or dairy products being withdrawn from the supply chain and have to be destroyed. He also warned of the effect such actions would have on the farmers in question’s liability. 

UFU president Harry Sinclair also commented on the matter saying; "This is a very serious issue that threatens the integrity of our entire dairy industry. I would strongly discourage anyone from getting involved in these illegal activities and would go further and ask everyone to be vigilant and to alert the authorities immediately of any suspicious activity happening in your area."



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