Twenty quick questions… with Kate Fitzgerald

Kate Fitzgerald
Kate Fitzgerald

Kate Fitzgerald, account director, WHPR, answers ShelfLife's quick-fire questions



12 March 2012

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1. Do you breakfast or ‘deskfast’ in the mornings? 

Deskfast, but I always have a coffee before I leave home for work. 
2. How do you get to work?
Taxi or bus…determined by how quickly I manage to mobilise and leave for work.
3. Favourite time of the day?
Dinner time. My husband does all the cooking – he’s an excellent cook and I always look forward to unwinding over a delicious meal at the end of a busy day.  
4. Best ad on telly?
I love the National Lottery Ad – ‘Making Magic Happen’. 
5. Worst ad on telly?
48 Go Conquer – I know I’m not the target market, but they bring out my cynical side. 
6. Best new product?
I’m pretty excited about the Huawei Ascend D Quad mobile handset! 
7. How do you get your news; print or web?
Both – really depends on what I want to read and where I am at the time. 
8. Favourite grocery shop? 
I usually shop in four; Fallon & Byrne, Dunnes Stores, Superquinn and M & S. 
9. International product you would like to see available in Ireland?
If I could buy a leg of Spanish black ham in my local shop that would be brilliant! 
10. Facebook or Twitter?
Facebook for friends and Twitter for general musings.
11. Favourite website?
Depends on what I’m looking for –, youtube,,,,, etc.
12. Favourite politician? 
I don’t have a favourite!
13. Most annoying public figure?
I’ll have to come back to you on that! 
14. Biggest fear?
Losing someone dear to me suddenly.
15. Greatest achievement to date?
Travelling to the North Pole to see polar bears in the wild. The sound of an ice breaker cracking through the pack ice is incredible.
16. Favourite quote?
“We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.” Oscar Wilde
17. Cash or card?
Card – easier to manage.
18. Pop or rock?
Rock. Good pop tunes have their place, but if I had to choose…
19. What’s the best thing about living in Ireland?
The weather – genuinely! I’m not a sun worshipper and we don’t have to worry about extremes like snow (usually).

20. What’s the last compliment you received?
My seven year old neice told me, “You’re actually pretty good at baking” – her use of the word ‘actually’ says it all really. 


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