Twenty quick questions…Nicola Barrett

Nicola Barrett, market manager, Skin & Hair Care, Unilever Ireland, answers our rapid fire round of 20 quick questions
21 June 2011
1 Do you breakfast or ‘deskfast’ in the mornings?
Unfortunately I’m a “deskfaster”
2 How do you get to work?
I drive.
3 Favourite time of the day?
4 Best ad on telly?
The Lynx ‘Premature Perspiration’ adverts.
5 Worst ad on telly?
Insurance ads – No Nonsense insurance / 123 Insurance.
6 Best new product?
Dove Beauty Finish Deodorant
7 How do you get your news; print or web?
8 Favourite grocery shop?
M & S
9 International product you would like to see available in Ireland?
Ben & Jerry’s Light
10 Facebook or Twitter?
11 Favourite website?
12 Favourite politician?
Eamonn O’Cuiv
13 Most annoying public figure?
Enda Kenny
14 Biggest fear?
Being chased by a bull (childhood experience!)
15 Greatest achievement to date?
Graduating first in my class for both my degree and post grad at university
16 Favourite quote?
“What is for you, won’t pass you by”
17 Cash or card?
Card. I never have cash on me!
18 Pop or Rock?
19 What’s the best thing about living in Ireland?
The warmth and friendliness of the Irish people.
20 What’s the last compliment you received?
About how shiny my hair is.
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