The Baggot Inn Beer Tower
The Baggot Inn has become the first pub in Ireland to introduce a ‘Beer Tower’ for its customers.
2 May 2013
The Beer Tower could be described as the next generation of the traditional beer pitcher with the addition of a self-serve tap allowing customers to pour their favourite beer beverage from the Tower at their table and at their leisure in any amount that they fancy. Any brand of draught beer can be purchased.
The Tower is filled straight from the draught tap and holds up to 3.5 litres, just over six pints, for €29 irrespective of the type of draught beer preferred.
“If a customer is coming up and spending €29 on one sale, that’s a good sale,” confirms The Baggot Inn’s Eddie Fitzgerald who came across the Towers in Brazil.
The customer can also purchase 2.5 litres for €24.
The beer is kept cold using a Chill Stick, a re-freezable six-inch stainless steel tube, that’s placed down the centre of the tower which can be cleaned and re-cooled in the freezer after use.
“It’s different,” says Eddie, “The Chill Stick helps keep the head on any beer poured. Even after five or 10 minutes the beer that’s poured will still be cold.”
He finds it particularly good on match days where a group of people might use it to avoid going up and down to the bar.
The Baggot Inn has also given out a few complimentary Beer Towers to customers requesting them to put a picture of it on their facebook.
“They usually buy another one afterwards anyway and some have even come back in again and asked for the Beer Tower,” observes Eddie who recommends that the customers only use half-pint glasses so that they can always ensure that their beer is cold.
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