RGDATA continues fight against bogus insurance claims

RGDATA director general Tara Buckley
RGDATA director general Tara Buckley

The RGDATA director general Tara Buckley has said her organisation wants to hear from retailers regarding spurious insurance claims.



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5 June 2015

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Back in March, we reported on an RGDATA survey that revealed that over 60% of retailers have been impacted by insurance for in-store injuries over the last 24 months. At the time, RGDATA director general Tara Buckley suggested that not enough is done by insurers to ensure that these claims are false. The Law Society responded by saying such concerns are misplaced.

In a further response, Buckley has said that her organisation hopes to hear more from retailers on the issue. “If you have been the victim of a bogus or spurious claim,” she said, “please let RGDATA know so that we can raise these matters with the Department of Justice and the Gardai directly.

“It would seem that the Law Society will not be proactive in weeding out Solicitors,” Buckley said, “who are knowingly advancing claims which are try ons, spurious or dubious and almost want to be presented with a book of evidence before they get involved.

“It is important that insurers invest in resisting claims, rather than settling them for a nominal or nuisance value,” Buckley added.





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